President's MessageMathew Dundas

As we reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, I am pleased to present the 2023 Annual Report for Venture Kamloops. This report highlights our ongoing mission of creating economic growth to establish the city as the premiere location for business development.

The year 2023 was marked by significant achievements and milestones for Venture Kamloops. We were laser-focussed on our mission to support local businesses, attract investment, and stimulate economic activity in the region. Through strategic partnerships and innovative initiatives, we continued to make a positive impact on the economic landscape of Kamloops.

Among the significant achievements of the past year was the development of our new strategic plan for the period 2024-2028. This comprehensive plan outlines our vision for the future and sets ambitious goals for the organization. Guided by the core principles of economic development and its best practices, the plan reflects our commitment to building a prosperous and resilient community.

Key elements of the new strategic plan include:

Economic Development Pillars
Continue to develop and communicate our inventory of key pillars that drive economic sustainability and growth in Kamloops.

Sector Growth
Focus on promoting a select group of sectors that hold significant and realistic economic opportunities.

Communication and Awareness
Improve awareness of Venture Kamloops role and its contributions in our community.

Organizational Excellence
Ensure Venture Kamloops’ organizational excellence and continuity in providing dynamic business services, through robust internal systems, practices, and governance.

As we look ahead to the next five years, we are excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We are confident that with the continued support of our partners and stakeholders, our vision of a prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive Kamloops will be achieved.

Our excitement for the future is built on the achievements of the past. As we look back at 2023 and the final year of the boards 2019-2023 plan, we can point to much success - and a little disappointment. The pandemic was obviously a defining moment of our time, and a transformative moment for the organization. Through the hardships we all endured, Venture Kamloops remained steadfast in its commitment to supporting our business community. As a result, the organization shattered records for the number of clients to whom we offered support. In 2023, those numbers returned to more earthly levels, but it appears that we will continue at a pace that far surpasses that of the pre-pandemic world for the foreseeable future.

In the past year, our organization made significant progress in its efforts to help local employers recruit talent through the widest possible variety of channels available. We are pleased to report these efforts resulted in new employees in key roles for a number of Kamloops employers.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Board of Directors, particularly those who finished their term in 2023. We thank Lana Dueck, Jason Paige, and Tom Dickinson for their years of service. Thanks also to the staff of Venture Kamloops, the City of Kamloops and all our partners for their commitment and support. Together, we will continue to make Kamloops a great place to live and work.

Mathew Dundas
President, Board of Directors
Venture Kamloops


Kamloops has an outlook for modest and consistent GDP growth of 2% annually to 2022, increasing from approximately $4.4 billion in 2018 and up to $4.8 billion in 2022.