VK Workforce Development Helping You Achieve Your Recruitment Goals

Struggling to Recruit Talent?
Venture Kamloops Can Help

In Canada's fiercely competitive labor market, securing qualified talent with the right skill set has become an ever more daunting task. This challenge is projected to persist over the next 10 to 15 years due to the retirement of baby boomers and a decline in the working-age population. Fortunately, numerous organizations offer a wealth of resources to aid employers in recruitment, training, and accessing grants. These resources can greatly support you in devising a comprehensive workforce development plan.

We Offer In-person or Virtual Meetings
Venture Kamloops will arrange a meeting, either in person or virtually, to further explore and delve into your specific requirements.

Options to Achieve Recruitment Goals
Following the meeting, Venture Kamloops will diligently analyze your needs and present you with a range of options to accomplish your employee recruitment objectives.

Get Started Today!
Tell Us About Your Business

Complete the below form & we'll be in touch to schedule a meeting. We will then analyze your needs and present you with a range of options to accomplish your employee recruitment objectives.

For More Information
Contact Nicole Bruce

Economic Development Manager

Phone: 250.828.6818
Toll Free: 1.888.526.5667


The new Patient Care Tower at Royal Inland Hospital began construction, and aims to be ready for occupancy by 2021. At $417 million, it is the largest single construction project in Kamloops’ history.