VK Venture Advisors
Program Success Story Nicole Duff, Slypod - Dog Poop Caddy

Nicole DuffSlypod - Dog Poop Caddy

Nicole Duff entered 2022 with big goals for her new start-up. The creator of the SlyPod™ Dog Poop Caddy took part in the VK Venture Advisors Program to sharpen the business case for her pet product. With her eyes set on pitching to Dragons’ Den Season 17, Nicole reached a national audience when her episode aired in October 2022. She even cleaned up the competition by accepting an offer to partner with a Dragon to invest in her growing business!

Here as Your Sounding Board
Expert Advice for Your Business Ideas

Take advantage of the award winning VK Venture Advisors program for entrepreneurs of new or existing businesses. Find out if you have all of the bases covered for your business idea or plans for growth.

Each month, we choose an entrepreneur or business to participate in the VK Venture Advisors program. This opportunity allows the entrepreneur to pitch their business idea to a panel of local business professionals and industry experts.

These experts provide the business with constructive feedback, insight and connections regarding the business idea. And the best part?
VK Venture Advisors is FREE!

Meet the Advisory Panel

What You'll Receive

Support from VK

Advice from
Business Experts

Opportunity to
Hone Your Pitch

FREE 1 hr Follow
Up With Experts

Program Outline

  1. Book a Start Here meeting with a team member from Venture Kamloops and identify your fit for the program.
  2. Work with a VK team member on your 20 minute presentation (template is provided).
  3. Present your business to the panel of experts, and discuss any questions you have about your start-up or expansion.
  4. Following the presentation, decide which advisors you would like a FREE 1hr follow up with and our team will set it up.

In 2018, The Canadian Federation of Independent Business applauded Kamloops for "lowering the tax fairness ratio the most over the past ten years, decreasing it 15.4% to 1.92".

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