Labour Attraction
Partnership Project

The purpose of the Labour Attraction Partnership Project is to provide strategies that employers can use to address challenges with hiring and keeping employees. The project includes five sector specific employee recruitment and retention strategies and a large resource document that has more detailed strategies and best practices that employers can implement. The sector strategies are for construction, high tech, manufacturing, transportation and professional services sectors. These sectors showed particularly acute need, or are considered growth sectors for the city.

Why Was The Labour Attraction Partnership Formed?

In 2016 Venture Kamloops completed a Labour Market Study that identified a troubling labour shortage across all the Kamloops region. That study made series of recommendations of steps that could be taken to begin to address the projected labour shortage, one of which was to provide guidance to employers who are looking outside of the city for new employees. The Labour Attraction Partnership was formed to provide this guidance.

About The Research Firm

MDB Insight is a management consulting firm who focuses on economic development. MDB Insight is Canada’s largest specialized economic development consultancy with considerable experience working in workforce development.

For More Information
Contact Jim Anderson

Executive Director

Phone: 250.828.6818
Toll Free: 1.888.526.5667


Employment in the construction and health industries are projected to increase an average of approximately 2.5% annually from 2016 to 2022.